Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Taking my practice off of the mat

I have been a lover of yoga for about 3 years now.  It is my escape and when I am on the mat, I feel like the strongest person alive.  I try, try, TRY, to remember the calmness that I feel on the mat, and bring that with me into my everyday life.  It's hard, REALLY hard.  M is currently cutting a tooth and operation get M to take bottle has been an epic fail.  Now that the days are longer, the boys want to stay up later, which means less quiet time at night for B and I.  Last night our instructor started class by saying, "close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place that makes you feel at peace"  The first thing that popped into my mind was, me running through a field of wildflowers.  I was a bit taken back by this, because it didn't really feel "right".  By the beach, lounging at the pool, maybe, but running through a field of wildflowers?  Odd.  But, I went with it. I left that class last night feeling complete peacefulness.  Typically the feeling lasts until I pull into the driveway, open the garage and hear the pitter-patter of little feet running to the door to greet me and tell me everything I missed while I was gone an entire 2 hours.  Last night, I pulled up to a dark house and the minivan MIA from the driveway.  I walked into the house, SILENCE.  I took a deep breath and what seemed like an eternity, took in every single second of that breath in and once again, as you end yoga practice, let it all go.  B had taken the boys to O's soccer practice and then to the store.  I had 15 minutes to myself, MYSELF!  When B walked in, the madness resumed, immediately, to be expected of course. As much as I enjoyed the silence, the little voices, pitter-patter of feet, and hugs and kisses from my little men is almost as peaceful as my yoga practice, ALMOST....in an entirely different way.

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