Saturday, April 19, 2014

If you don't believe, you don't receive

I knew the time would come when O would start questioning if there really was a Santa, if the Easter bunny was real and if the tooth fairy is really a fairy.  I didn't think, nor did I expect, today to be the day....holy Christ.  It started with the tooth fairy.  "There really isn't a tooth fairy, is there?"  "Go ahead, google it".  Google it??  What was life like before google?  HOW did my parents help me with my math homework?  How did they answer random questions,  they really had no idea how to answer?  I'm not going lie, I rely on google as my right hand man when B is at work.  Google has gotten us out of some sticky situations and has made 4th grade math SO much easier.   Oh Google, you have helped us with, math homework, identifying birds outside, confirming species of insects found under rocks, and the list goes on, and on...and on.  I certainly wasn't going to google, "is the tooth fairy real" because I knew damn well that the answer would be "NO", blinking in big bold red letters.  SO, I do what I do best, danced around it and changed the subject, lightning speed.  Next up, the Easter bunny.  "Is the Easter bunny real?" And this is when B and I threw out one of our favorites, "If you don't believe, you don't receive".  This usually shuts them up right away, and today was no exception.  I know the day is quickly approaching that we are going to need to sit O down and lay it all out there. I'm not just talking about the holidays, I'm also talking about the birds and bees.  Brett and I have already rock/paper/scissored that one and it's ALL him.....or maybe we will just leave it up to google :)

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