Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Busta Rhyme

S is all about rhyming words lately and I've got to say, he is really good at it.  Yesterday threw me for a bit of a loop, but coming from S, anything is possible.  The conversation between S and H went like this;

S: "Stick and Dick rhyme, right?"
H: "Um, yes, do you know what THAT is?"
S: "What, dick? It's something you eat?"
H: "Mommy, did you JUST hear him?  Isn't dick a REALLY, REALLY, bad word for something?"
Me: "Yes, it is.  Do you know what it is?"
H: "No? But I don't think it's something you eat"
Me: "Correct, time to go"

End of conversation.  Until.....later that evening at the park.  When S was running around chanting, "Stick and Dick, Stick and Dick, Stick and Dick".  Proud mommy moment?  I think not.

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