Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, OH BOY!!!

It was right around this time, last year, when we found out that I was preggers with BOY #4.  I remember the call, clear as day.  I sat down on S's bed, the sun was shining through the blinds, I was waiting for this call for 5 LONG days.  I think, in the back of mind, I knew it was going to be a boy....or maybe I mentally prepared myself, like I had done with the other 3.  A huge part of me really thought it was going to be a girl.  The first few months of my pregnancy  were completely different than my other 3 pregnancies.  I really thought, since we weren't trying for #4, that God really wanted us to have that girl.  God's funny sometimes...  At the time, I thought I was being punished.  That's bad to say, right?   I mean, we were already dealing with 3 boys.  3 BOYS, who are nonstop action, nonstop talking, nonstop mess makers, nonstop pretty much everything EXCEPT for sitting still for longer than 3 minutes.  Stillness does not exist in our house, ever.  HOW were we going to be able to deal with another one?  The minute M was born, and I looked at him, every single question and fear flew out the window.  How would we mange?  We would love him, just like the other 3, and the other 3 were going to love him, just like they love each other.  That's it.   Our family is not perfect.  I am FAR from perfect.  B will claim he is perfect, I would maybe classify him as imperfectly perfect.  Our boys, SO not perfect, but adorable, REALLY adorable.  There are days, oh there are crazy, crazy days.  When I see my little men together, I couldn't even imagine a different dynamic.  They will grow up being best friends. Best friends that; fight,  love, argue, wrestle, laugh, cry and talk about bodily functions at the dinner table.  At the end of the day, per mom's orders, they will love each other, there is no other option. Who doesn't love to be loved?

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