Thursday, March 26, 2015

You talk too much....

Run D.M.C had it going on when they wrote this song.  Have you ever met someone that seriously talks and talks, repeating themselves, while contradicting themselves?  Saying the same shit over and over again.  I've heard it all, 100 times before, but sure, I'd love to hear it again. I think it may be a nervous tendency?  Or maybe, you are not as confident as you say you are?  I've got news for you, it's okay to be you.  I actually like the real you.  You should be that person more often.  Like everytime we communicate.   My favorite is when it's just a shit storm of complete and utter bullshit that comes out of their mouths.  I let these people talk, because at the end of the day, I truly believe that THEY believe what they are saying.  Who am I to try to change that? Who I am to cut them off and remind them of what they said earlier? Sure, I could tell you that yesterday you said something completely different.  Most certainly I could remind you that you texted and said that, which totally contradicts what you are saying now.  BUT, it's not my place.  So, instead, I will sit and listen, because I care about you.  I really do care about you, as a person and as my friend.   I've learned that sometimes it's better when I keep my mouth shut.  Some things are better left unsaid. I have walls built for a reason people, it's to keep this kind of chaos out. Ain't nobody got time for that. In all seriousness, as I've gotten older, I've become much more honest with myself and with others. I expect the same from my people.   I am, who I am, all of the time.  I don't justify it, I don't twist and turn it, I own it, I feel it, I will most certainly tell you, it's my story and I'm sticking to it....always,   Yep, I have feelings, we all do and it's okay, I promise. Sometimes it's scary as hell, it doesn't always make sense, but I own it.  We should all just fucking own it. ~Namaste.

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