Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday is my second favorite F word

By the time Friday rolls around, I'm ready to throw in the towel...for the 100th time that week.  Friday is my second favorite F word.  My first is, Fuck.  Sorry, you can probably stop reading now if that offended you, and you probably won't want to revisit anytime soon, thanks.  I LOVE fucking Friday's.  I know that I do not have to deal with homework, making lunches, packing snacks, showers/baths, finding missing gloves, locating coats, a boot, signing permission slips...I could really go on AND on.  But, instead, I will sit here and sip on my vodka and tonic, before 4pm on FRIDAY BITCHES!!!! I'm in hiding as I type this, tucked away in a corner, hoping my kids will leave me alone for 20 minutes, that's all I ask for, 20 minutes.  I also ask that you do not come in the bathroom when I'm in the fact, if I'm in the bathroom, don't come in at all and don't call out my name 10 times....Unless the house is burning or someone is hanging from the chandler and can't get down.    5 out of 7 days, M-F from 7am until 6:30pm (that's typically when B gets home), I am; Mom, Mommy, Mama, on repeat, ALL day long.  I am never childless...okay there's nap time.  Did I mention how fucking thankful I am for nap time? How long is M going to nap for?  I'm hoping until he goes to kindergarten and then he is gone all day.  There are times that I will say to the boys, "Mom's not here right now". S will say, "yes you are, you are standing right there". O, who gets it, I think, will say, "Mom needs a time out" and will take the boys downstairs to play.  Mom DOES need a timeout, daily, from;  the questions, the fetching of a glass of water, picking shit up off of the floor, and picking it up again 30 minutes later.  Mom needs a break from having to lay down every single fucking chair in the house so the little doesn't climb up on the counter, table, or anything else that he can use his super human, upper body strength, to gain leverage on.  Bottom line, mommy needs a BREAK!  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my boys with every single ounce of my soul!  I really, really do.  I know, without a doubt that I am a kick ass mother.  However, I am with them through the, goodbyes, hellos, new friends, new school, ups the downs, homework...oh the homework, failed tests, notes from teachers...and I would not have it any other way.  They are my best buddies and my heart is completely full because of them.  That doesn't change the fact that we ALL need a break sometimes. We all need a break from, work, life, kids, and sometimes ourselves.  We deserve it, we all deserve a break and a drink before 4pm on a fucking Friday.

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