Monday, February 23, 2015

Definition of: Me

I struggle with who I am, daily, always have and probably (but hopefully not) always will.  What I DO know is, I am a free spirit, a lover, a thinker, a dreamer.  These words, these descriptions,  ran through my mind, out of my mouth the other day.  THESE are the qualities that I love most about myself.  THESE are qualities that I will hold on to and will not lose or compromise.  With these qualities come acceptance.  Acceptance of, myself and others.  Acceptance of the person who continually has a shit storm of garbage coming out of their mouth.  Acceptance of the person, that even though I am one funny mother fucker, will not crack a smile.  Acceptance of the person that will probably never be happy, because they are continually searching for more.  Acceptance that not everyone is like me, nor am I like anyone else and that is okay.  No one should change for anyone, ever, period, the end.  I've learned to not take myself or life too seriously.  I thank my boys for helping me laugh at the little things and roll with the crazy shit, that happens daily.  I am blessed to have an over abundance of love and support that surrounds me daily, no questions asked, with no expectations of today or tomorrow.  My flaws, my scars, my insecurities, come with an unmeasurable amount of acceptance from my people.  We are not perfect, but for that, I am grateful.

#truth #gratitude

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