Wednesday, January 7, 2015

F-A-I-L spells FAIL....

I had a bad, BAD day yesterday.  B would agree, the boys would agree, the cashier at the store would agree, the kids in S's room would agree, and my yoga teacher would probably agree....I'm not sure what happened to put me in such a funk but I was SO happy to say goodbye to the day.  The worst part about it was knowing that, not only did I let myself down and everything that I said I wasn't going to do going into 2015, I did, within a 12 hour time span, BUT I let my kids down.  H wanted snuggle before bedtime and I couldn't do it.  I told him no and went downstairs. I looked at Brett and said, "I am a horrible parent and I totally failed".    I sat there and tried to wrap my brain around what the hell was wrong with me. The only (sad/sorry) explanation I could come up with was that I am with 1 child ALL day, every day, at least 1.  By the time bedtime rolls around, mama is tapped...cooked...done.   B handles bedtime every night, thank GOD for B.  I went to bed last night and promised myself I would not wake up and act the same way tomorrow.  I woke up this morning and did my best to forget about yesterday.  One thing I did remember, which put a smile on my face, was one of S's classmates.  I asked him how his day was going and he said, "sometimes I'm a good boy and sometimes I'm not such a good boy".  I couldn't help but laugh and told him, "that's okay, no one is perfect".   I read this quote today, from Rachel, the Hands Free Mama.  We are all not perfect, mamas.  But, we have today to be the best version of ourselves and tomorrow to try again. Namaste.

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