Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bucket List

I'm turning 40 this year.  40.  I'm not sure how it happened?  I can vividly remember my 21st birthday, for the most part... the end is a bit sketchy.   30 to 40?  With a blink of an eye, gone, just like that.  Let's see, 4 kids, a few houses, a couple of jobs, did I mention 4 kids?  One of my favorite sayings is, "The Days Are Long, But The Years Are Short".  There are days where bedtime cannot come soon enough.  There are days when, well there are not enough hours in the day.  There are weeks that go by and I'm not sure how we made it to the weekend? But we did.  There are also weeks, when Wednesday hits, and it really feels like it should be Friday and I'm ready to throw in the towel,  today being one of those Wednesdays.   Time goes by WAY too fast.  In addition to it being a new year, it's my 40th year and my goal is to make it the longest year ever....stretch it out.  After all, I'm not 40 until really I'm basically 39 for the majority of this year.  I'm not freaked out all at about turning 40.  It's not like I've researched various Doctors in the area specializing in botox.  No mid life crisis here.  Whatever. Now, only if I could get rid of the damn mini van.  SO,  I've decided to create a bucket list. Nothing too crazy, but I'm not playing it safe either.  Intrigued aren't you?  Me too. Stay tuned, it's in the works.
~Amen and Namaste

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