Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The clock strikes 4

When OH When will our little man sleep through the night?  We were spoiled, obviously.  O was sleeping through the night, 12 HOURS, by 8 weeks, H was doing the same thing around the same time and S....well S, I don't even remember, but I know it was nothing like what our little is throwing our way.    M woke up last night at, midnight, 4 and 6...Oh, and again at 7 because everyone else was up.    The night before, he slept a solid 9 HOURS!  It was pure bliss.  I had this glimmer of hope that we had turned the corner.  The thing about our little is, he likes to keep us on our toes.  Will he take a nap?  If he takes a nap, will it be a catnap?  Or, will he sleep for 3 hours?  Will he go to bed and only cry it out for an hour?  Or, will he want you to hold him until he falls asleep and the second you lay him down, BAM, eyes wide open.  Last night was a bit of a blur. What I do remember was 4am which consisted of a, screaming baby, crying 4 year old (who wanted water and to sleep smack dab between B and I) and a dog who wanted OUT of his crate (bark, bark, bark, bark).  We have this print hanging in the little's room.  It's one of my favorites.  I'm thinking I need to get one for our room that says, "Let your mommy and daddy sleep through the night, if you don't, when they wake, they will lose their shit"  Cheers to a better night of sleep for all!

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