Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oh, Bitter Betty....

I was standing in the checkout line, this evening, at Target.  I was SO not in a rush. B was home with the boys and I had been cooped up in the house with 3 of them for the past few days.  H has strep throat and has not been at school in 2 days. 3 tomorrow, shoot me.    Now, you would think if he had strep throat, aka a sore throat that hurts so bad to swallow, let alone talk, that he would have been quiet, while at home.  Not so much. Mr. chatty was himself.  LOVE that kid, but holy moly, he likes to talk, All.Day.Long.   Okay, sorry, where was I?  I deserved a weeknight trip to Target, damn it.  I was there for an hour, and it was glorious!  I strolled down every aisle and ended up at checkout with everything that I came there for (and a few extras).  Now, if I had taken the kids with me, even one of them, you can guarantee about 3 things would have been forgotten, at least.  So, I noticed the woman behind me had 3 items. I asked her if she wanted to go ahead of me.  "Oh, no, that's okay" she replied.  "No, really" I said, "my kids are at home, so I'm in no rush" and I giggled.  I don't think she found that funny, but accepted my offer and stepped in front of me.  As she was paying, she looked at me and said (in her, "I smoke 2 packs a day" voice) , "I was watching this show, the other night, and they said how when you have kids, things at home just get worse".  WOW.......Bitter Betty.  I looked at her and said, "Oh, I don't know about that, it's all good, they are such a blessing".  I was taken back, a bit,  but left there and couldn't get what she said out of my mind.  I would be lying if I said kids don't take a toll on your life, your marriage, sanity, a solid night of sleep or  sleeping in past 8am, going out to dinner and not paying the sitter $80 in addition to the $100+ that you spend on dinner talking about....well, the kids of course.  But NEVER would I say that my life has gotten worse.  More crazy, more demanding, more stressful, YES, but also, with all of that, I am woken up each and every morning next to my hubby and 1 or 2 or 4 of the kids...throw in a dog, that I love with everything that I have and everything that I am (thanks to them).  I go to bed every night (at some point), hopefully, only with B (but typically not) knowing that I am truly, without a doubt, the luckiest girl in the world.  I love, love, LOVE my: crazy, stress full, I want to pull my hair out and pour myself a stiff drink by 3pm, life.  It's not for everyone, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Dear lady at Target-
I thought I was doing my good deed for the day by letting you cut in front of me.  For real, a "Thank You" would have been sufficient.

The mom who's life has only gotten better with each crazy boy that her and her amazing husband have added to their family.

Peace Out!

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