Saturday, March 22, 2014

Oh the places we will go.....or not.

The boys school is having a free event at the art museum downtown.  One of O's friends asked if we were going.  This got me to thinking; There are certain places that B and I know we can take the boys and everything will be okay. Okay meaning, no one will get hurt, talking loud (which is the boys normal tone) is acceptable and people aren't looking at us like we are crazy (thanks, we already know we are so no need to stare).  We know which restaurants we can go to, I know what times to hit the grocery store, Target and Costco.  I can say, without a doubt, that B and I have got it down! Yep, I am THAT confident.  There are other places that you won't see us within 50 feet of, and an art museum is definitely one of those places.  I mean, can you even imagine?  "Sorry about that Van Gogh, I didn't realize he had gum in his mouth when we left the house."    Today we went to see Disney on Ice.  Snoozer for the parents, but a great time for the kids.  I didn't even threaten them, before we walked in, and they all did great.  Okay, so a cake pop may have fallen on the ground, for a split second, before S picked it up again and put it in his mouth and H may have spilled a $25 dollar snow cone all over the floor of the suite.  Hey, if that's the worst thing that happened, I'm giving our family an A+ for the day.  What I saw, on this outing, was a lot of love between my little men.  A lot of little hugs, my middles sitting on my oldest lap, listening ears turned up the max capacity and my littlest little, who was passed around for 2 hours, did not make a peep (Seriously, the most chill baby EVER).  Now, let's remember, we were at an event that was VERY loud and VERY dark, with A LOT of stimulation and sugar, but I'll take what I can get.  Today was a good day and I have my little men to thank and my amazing husband who I couldn't imagine living this life without.

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