Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Kairos (καιρός) is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment (the supreme moment). The ancient Greeks had two words for time, chronos and kairos. While the former refers to chronological or sequential time, the latter signifies a time in between, a moment of indeterminate time in which something special happens. What the special something is depends on who is using the word. While chronos is quantitative, kairos has a qualitative nature.

A good friend (thanks Natalie), recently sent me an article by Glennon Melton, who writes for The Huffington Post.  She is a blogger, a mom and has a keen perspective on parenting.  If you are a parent, follow her.  She makes everything about parenting..the ups, downs, good times, pull your hair out and scream times, okay.

My most recent Kairos moments:

1.       Saying goodnight to my boys, once they are fast asleep.  The stillness in their little bodies, the peaceful sound of their breathing, and that moment in time when I look at them and thank God for the little miracles he granted me
2.      The other day, I was taking off my mascara and O said to me “I didn’t know you wore makeup?”  What an innocent little soul.   He apparently doesn’t see what I see, when I look in the mirror when I’m sporting a makeup-free face.  I looked at him and said “thank you.”
3.      When S gives kisses.  The pucker of those little lips.  When you see his little face, his perfect lips coming closer and closer to my face, time stands still.
4.      My little man H.  I still call him my little baby.  He responds by saying, “I’m not little, I’m medium sized.”
5.      When my husband walks in the door, from work.  Of course, a sense of relief fills my body, because I am able to hand over the kids.  More importantly, when I see his face, that giddy feeling fills my soul, which reassures and confirms how lucky I am

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