Friday, February 3, 2012

For the love of my boys

On May 16 2004, I became a mom to the most beautiful little human being, ever created.  I was amazed at how much I could love a someone who spent the first day of his life; crying, pooping, peeing, crying, pooping...and this continued on for what seemed like an eternity.  But, with each passing day, through the sleepless nights and numerous feedings, my love continued to grow.

So, what the heck, we tried for number 2 (with ease).  On September 29th 2007 (1 week early) we welcomed our second Boy.  Another boy.  I'm not going to lie, I wanted a girl.  I cried when I found out we were having a boy.  Awful, right??  Who wouldn't be ecstatic that they were pregnant, with a healthy baby growing inside of them?  I was VERY happy, but in the back of mind, I really wanted that damn girl.  When H was born, ALL of the feelings of wanting that girl went away.  He came out, in record time, all cheesy, with this dark head of hair, 10 fingers and 10 toes, at that point, it no longer mattered that he had a penis.  He was healthy and he was ours!  At that moment I realized again, how much love I had to give.  

Okay, so number 3 would HAVE to be a girl, right?  WRONG!  I prepared myself when we went in for that ultrasound.  For 2 weeks prior, I told myself, it's going to be a boy, stay strong, keep smiling and don't be disappointed when the ultrasound tech shows you that little penis on the screen.  And that's exactly what I did.  When she told/showed us, I kept a smile on my face and said I knew it.  A few minutes later, I went into the other room to change, looked in the mirror, holding back the tears, and said, "keep it together, it's going to be okay".  And I did.  On May 27th 2010, 2 weeks early, our 3rd BEAUTIFUL boy was born.  Again, the love I felt for this little man was unmeasurable.  

So began our journey.  3 boys, 1 husband and a very LARGE and old St. Bernard (which is also a boy).  I LOVE to tell stories about my 3 little men.  I enjoy sharing their funny stories, silly comments and their love, and sometimes hatred,  for one another.  I also enjoy sharing my stories about being a mom and a wife, for better or for worse.  It's not always easy, it's not always fun, but it's our life, our crazy, crazy life.  


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