Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Compliments Welcome

Who doesn't like a good compliment? I hated them, when I was younger.  Now, I will gladly accept them, look the person in the eye and say "thank you".  I especially like the compliments I get from other parents/spectators. Yesterday, I was on the playground with my boys (all 3) after school. I will be the first to admit, rarely do I take all 3 of my boys anywhere, let alone a playground where there are other kids, mulch to be thrown, dirt to be eaten and *gasp* other parents there to judge every little step of my parenting and my kids behavior. It was so gorgeous yesterday, so I said "what the hell" we are going and we did. It was a great time. When we were leaving, a random couple stopped me and the wife said "we watched you and your three boys and you are a really good mom and you have really great kids." REALLY? Why thank you, I will take the compliment and run with it. It's little comments like that, from kind strangers, that make trips such as this, worthwhile. Looking forward to our next outing together.

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