Wednesday, February 12, 2014

SAHM vs. WOOTHM (work out of the home mom)

I was an outside, mixed in with a little bit of inside, working mom for about 9 years of my kids lives. Our 3 oldest boys all started daycare at 12 weeks of age.  I remember, with each one, it got easier to drop them off that day and head into the office.  By the 3rd, I was ready to get back to the office and sit down with a HOT cup of coffee, that was actually still hot as I finished the last drop.  As a working mom, I kind of felt like a warrior, a bad ass.  I prided myself in, having structure in our house, a hot meal on the table every night (okay, there may have been some takeout), clean floors (so maybe I hired someone to keep them that way) and the ability to provide the extras to my family given a dual income.

For the past year and a half, I've been a SAHM.  Lately, I've been struggling with this.  Don't get me wrong, I love the time with my boys.  However, the amount of time I spend in leggings, no makeup, a nursing bra and my hair in a bun has FAR exceeded the time I've spent actually putting on a pair of cute jeans and washing my hair....that happens maybe once a week.  I miss my work friends.  I miss using my brain for something other than 4th grade math and balancing the check book.

So, today, I woke up, dropped 3 of the boys off at school, nursed 1 back to sleep and took a shower...all before 9.  Unheard of, a bit of a struggle, but I had a plan!  I squeezed into a pair of jeans...barely, and put on some makeup, it felt good.  That's kind of sad.  What's even more sad, is when I went to pick up S at school, I think think I may have looked unrecognizable to the other moms.  Instead of my typical dis shoveled look, I actually looked...somewhat put together (until I came home and realized my nursing bra was totally undone from feeding M before we left).  Baby steps......

I don't know what the perfect scenerio would be for me?  Ideally, I would love to become a yoga teacher at night, while working at Lululemon during the day to get a sweet discount on some cute yoga clothes, but you know, that's proably not going to happen.

So today, I will love the life I lead, embrace this time with my kids (which is proving to be going by WAY too fast), try not to fall asleep before 10pm and love myself, love myself, love myself, must remember to love myself.  Namaste

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