Friday, February 21, 2014

Oil and Vinegar, Sugar and Spice

The middles were at each other's throats ALL day today.  ALL DAY!  It started at breakfast, because H didn't like the song S was singing.  It carried on to lunch, because we have 5 stools around our island, but they both wanted the same one.  Around 4pm (and this is when I had to make a stiff drink, no joke), they didn't want to share the damn blanket.  Please note that the blanket is  big enough to fit a king size bed, so surely it can fit two middles who together do not weigh more than 90 lbs and combined are less than 7 feet tall.  I think they managed to get through dinner? I may have had a bit of a buzz at that point.  It all went to shit at bath time.  Actually, they were getting along great, they have a blast.   It was the aftermath that had me scratching my head.  H steps out of the tub, S steps out of the tub.  Both dry off, comb their hair and all of the sudden B and I hear, "Sullivan JUST peed on ME!!"  Now, I know you are probably disgusted by this, right?  I actually giggled, quietly of course.  I mean, really??  Only in my house.  S decide to pee right on H, square shot to the back.  WHO does that?  S, that's who.  Anyone that knows S, would not be surprised by this behavior.  Needless to say, straight to bed he went.  5 minutes later, I went to check on him and my little angel was fast asleep.  I think he hung up his horns for the night.


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