Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mandatory Family Meeting-TONIGHT 8PM!!!!

H asked me this AM what "doozy" meant. Let me just tell you, bedtime last night was a DOOZY! It went like this....

H wanted a piggy back ride upstairs, but S was already on Brett's shoulders. We gave H the choice, hop on daddy's back or walk up by yourself. Those were his two choices. H didn't like those choices, he wanted Brett to take S upstairs and then come back down to get him, so he chose to cry for about 10 minutes. CRY, very loudly....

S was in his bed, snug as a bug, BUT he wanted water. Instead of politely coming downstairs and asking for some, he let us know by SCREAMING on the top of his lungs, waking up baby M.

Meanwhile, O couldn't find his damn stuffed doggie. I calculated about 3000 minutes, over the past 9 years, that we've spent looking for doggie. That's 50 HOURS, if you were wondering. So, I tell him to put on his boots and check the car. He opens the front door and the dog runs out.

It's now snowing, REALLY snowing, Brett goes searching for the dog, through the neighborhood. The dog is a runner. He almost becomes possessed, when he gets out. There is no stopping him.

While O, baby M and I are waiting for Brett to come home with the dog, Baby M has a HUGE blowout, of course, why not.

By 10pm, Oliver finds doggie in the car, Brett finds Stitch roaming the neighborhood, Mac is still awake and we are out of wine.

Tonight, there will be a mandatory family meeting. On the agenda: 1. Once we say it's bedtime and you are upstairs, that's it, finito, no mas! No asking for water, no coming downstairs looking for something you forgot, no screaming from your bed, NOTHING. Mamma is DONE and Daddy needs a break.

 Please work with us, for the love of GOD!

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