Sunday, January 5, 2014

Moore, Party of 6!!!

Guess who added another boy to the mix in 2013??  The Moore family, that's who!  Macallister James was born on 9/30/13 weighing in at 8lbs 9 oz and was perfect as his 3 older brothers.   The only difference was (don't tell him) he was our "SURPRISE blessing"  and what a blessing he has been.   I am over the moon in LOVE with this little man and couldn't even imagine life without him.  God only gives you what you can handle and apparently he felt that we needed one more boy to add to the mix.  Let the craziness I type this, I hear something going down our laundry shoot, but it's not laundry and the pitter -patter of little feet just left the scene of the crime.  Welcome to our family of 6, I promise to keep you all entertained.  Happy 2014.  

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