Thursday, January 23, 2014

Acceptance...God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change....


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: middle of the night feedings, 10 poopy diapers a day, my oldest will never be an "A" student, I may never look like that 20 something year old, with perky boobs and the perfect bikini body....EVER AGAIN, My boys will and always will be boys. And yes, I drive a mini van, so please get off my ass and have some courtesy when passing me, damn it!

The courage to change the things I can: Start each day with a grateful heart. End each day and close the book, tomorrow is a new day, treat it as such. Get back to yoga, STAT!! Pull out those favorite jeans, they probably won't fit, try them on and get to work bitch. Become a better mom and wife (totally lacking in this department), pull it together woman, you are a mom of 4 beautiful boys and a wife of an amazing father and husband, pull it together, if not for you then for them.

And wisdom to know the difference: I'm not perfect, far from it. I've got a lot, I mean A LOT of work to do. This new gig as a stay at home mom, is tough! Probably more mentally, than anything else. There are only so many conversations I can have with an,almost, 4 month old. There are times I look in the mirror and I'm not sure who is staring back at me, but I don't think I like her. I think 'she' needs an attitude adjustment and maybe some warmth and sunshine and maybe throw in a day off for good measure. I've always preached, to other mommies, to take time for themselves, we all deserve that. I haven't done that in awhile. Need to make some changes...starting next week.

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