Saturday, March 23, 2013

"I get it" she says......

The Moore family RARELY goes out to dinner.  It's 500 times easier to grab carryout and call it a night. the boys can't keep their hands off of each other, or sit still at our own house so why would they act any different at a restaurant?  Well, last night we decided to venture out.   So we picked a place...a noisy place....that serves pizza and only has plastic cups and we sat down.  It started off well. Our waitress was great and brought the boys food out right away.  I always think to myself, when the waitress offers to bring their food out first, "this can go one of two ways".  They will eat super fast, and then what?  Sit there quietly waiting for B and I to finish?  I don't think so.  Or, maybe the other food will come out, shortly after, and everything will move in lock step, we will eat in peace and leave with smiles on our face.  I can pretty much tell you that the peacefulness NEVER happens.

I will never make excuses for my crazy boys.  I will also not tolerate rude/obnoxious behavior.  When we go out to dinner, B and I try to get through it as best as we can.  Typically this means severe indigestion from eating so fast to get the hell out of there!!

Last night, as were finishing up, a lady walked in and immediately approached me.  My first thought was, do I know her?  She bent down, looked me in the eye, and said, "I have two toddler boys at home, so I get it."  A few thoughts immediately ran through my head.  2 boys?  That's nothing lady, try having 3 and you don't even know the end of it.    I also, thought, Thank you!!!  Anyone with more than one child, girl or boy, knows how difficult it is to have a smooth outing.  Unless you have perfectly behaved kids, to which I say, LIAR!  Finally, I thought, did she see a look on my face, like, I need to get the hell out of here, NOW, before I go off on my 3 little men?  Either way, I always find great comfort in a parent approaching another parent and giving them that SO needed pat on the shoulder...letting you know, it's OKAY!

At the end of the day, we are all in this together!  Even if I don't know you, I've got your back mama and you are doing a great job!

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