Thursday, April 26, 2012

It's a new dawn, it's a new day and I'm feeling FINE!!!!

In less than a month I will officially be a stay-at-home mom.  EEEKKK.  I LOVE my boys, really I do.  I also LOVE, love, love my time at the office.  It's not often that I can sit down, drink a hot cup of coffee and not have to get up, every 5 minutes to cater to my little princes.  As the time draws closer, I have many sleepless nights, countless hours of waking up in a panic, thinking, "what the hell WAS I thinking?"  I don't know if I'm cut out to stay home?  I love to shop.  LOVE it!  I love to buy my boys overpriced clothes and I am a sucker for shoes.  Besides getting out of the house, the other reason I work is to pay for my shopping addiction of unique boys clothes (which are NOT easy to find) and shoes/jeans.  At the end of the day, do my kids really need to best clothes?  Do I really need overpriced jeans?  I know that the answer is NO...but I have yet to mutter those words, when I ponder the questions.  What I do know is, I am going to enjoy every single waking, crying, whining, laughing, screaming minute with each of my boys, while I can.  I may want to rip my hair out, by 6pm and start drinking margaritas, while they are enjoying grilled cheese for lunch, BUT damn it, I'm going to LOVE being a stay-at-home mom, I'm going to LOVE it!  Right?!?  Let's be honest, I'm still going to shop, I'm just going to need to keep it on the down low!

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