Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Is the grass REALLY not greener on the other side?

As the end of 2015 quickly approaches, the last few days are typically the time where I reevaluate my life, my decisions, the choices I have made.  What could I have done differently? Who am I? What do I need to do to make the next year....better.  What can I do to make myself, better? I was talking to a friend of mine who told me, "the grass is not greener".  As I look around at my life, my husband, my boys, my family and friends.  I look at every single one of those relationships, the good, the bad, the ugly.  I also look around, when I'm out,at the people I do not know.  The older couple, holding hands.....they've probably been married for 50+ years.  I see the mom at Target, with her box of coupons and 3 kids, screaming.  I can see her trying to hold it together, just long enough to get out of the store and to get the kids into the car.  Once she sits down, I hope she takes a deep breathe, pats herself on the back and says to herself, "you did it".  I see married couples, young couples, same sex couples, couples of different races/nationalities....some with smiles on their faces, others arguing, some, so in love, you have to wonder when the honeymoon phase will wear off....or maybe it won't.  This same friend and I have also had the discussion of, "who has the perfect relationship"? Does it really exist? And if it does, for how long? I've been married for 13+ years.  B is my rock.  B accepts me for me, doesn't question, trusts me 110% and loves me unconditionally.  Is that enough? Sometimes it is.  Sometimes it's not.  When we are sitting in a room together and we are both on our phones, it's not.  When he is working his ass off, both at work and at school and as a dad, it should be enough, but I want more.  Does this make me selfish? Or does it make me long for the honeymoon phase, where we were living in different states and would talk on the phone for hours.  When we were together, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.  There was no stress, it was fun.  Maybe I miss the fun? Fun now involves a, house, dog and 4 kids.  All of which I thank God for every.single.day. At the same time, I dream about the day where B and I can get away, for a day, a night, a weekend, a week (ok, I'm pushing it).  I think it's easy to get off track.  To forget about what is really important.  To focus on what is fucked up, instead of what is good and what has remained constant.  2015 has been an amazing year with wonderful moments shared with extremely special people...I don't think the grass can get much greener than that.

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