Thursday, April 16, 2015

Be the change....

Gandhi said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world".  Pretty profound shit.  What he didn't say was to change or become anything other than who you are, regardless of who's asking.  Instead, constantly work on becoming the best version of yourself.   I think we all struggle with self acceptance.  Some probably more (hand raise) than others. A few nights ago, my oldest was playing on the xbox with one of his friends. Technology, while I feel I'm pretty hip, still amazes me.  His friend was at his house and O was at ours.  I could hear the conversation that O was having with him and it was obvious O was getting upset.  After a few minutes, he came upstairs crying.  Now here's the deal, I will let my kids handle shit on their own, I really try not to get involved, BUT when you make my kid cry, ALL bets are off. This kid, who O claims is a "really great" friend, kept making the same stupid comment to him, even though O asked him repeatedly to stop.  O is a lot like his mama, he can and will hold a lot in, but once it reaches that limit, that point where your fucking head is going to explode, look out.  I sat down with him that night and we talked about friendship and kindness and no matter who you are, or what you do, your real friends will ALWAYS have your back and never expect you to be anything more or anyone different than who you are.   With friendship comes honesty, trust and a true understanding that we are who we are, and even on our best days and our worst days, our friends accept us, regardless.  They don't try to change us. The people I want to be around accept me, for me.  They don't ask me to be anyone different, ever.  I hope as O, and the rest of the crew get older, they will hold onto the dear friendships that they have made along the way, toss to the curb that assholes that make me want to put my kids in a bubble, and just be kind fucking human beings, and know that there are good people in this world...hold onto these people, they will be your lifeline, forever.  Life is not always easy, it's not always fun, but at the end of the day, it's what you make of it, everyday.  It's who you choose to surround yourself with and who you chose to break free from when when you know the fight is no longer worth fighting for.

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